Can I invest in EV charging stations?

19 Aug.,2024


Everything to Know Before Investing in Commercial Charging ...

As the world embraces the transition towards electric vehicles (EVs), businesses have a unique opportunity to lead the way for EV adoption. One of the key considerations for businesses looking to update their business model to include EVs in operations, is investing in EV charging infrastructure. However, before taking the plunge, it's crucial to understand the ins and outs of charging infrastructure. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you must know before you invest in EV charging stations for your business.

Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

How to Assess Your Business&#;s EV Charging Needs

It is essential to evaluate your business' specific requirements before choosing an electric charging provider. Consider factors such as location, number of vehicles, and charging speeds when deciding on the charging station type. 

The number of electric vehicles your business uses will determine the amount of EV chargers you will need on your lot. The speed of the charging station will also determine how many are needed, but typically it is at least 3 for every 10 vehicles.

Understanding Charging Station Types

There are various charging station types, ranging from Level 1 AC chargers to Level 3 DC fast chargers. Each type offers different charging speeds and capabilities, so understanding the differences will help you make an informed decision. 

Level 1 electric vehicle (EV) charging is the slowest level of charging. It utilizes a J chart port and a standard wall outlet to charge. This is the type of charging that comes with the EV. It is often too slow to keep up with business and consumer needs as it takes 50+ hours to fully charge.

Level 2 EV charging is what most EV owners choose to upgrade to. While it is much faster, it still can take up to 10 hours to fully charge an electric vehicle. For consumers, this is optimal for overnight charging, but for businesses looking to utilize EVs for their operations, this may not be fast enough. 

Level 3 or DC fast charging is the fastest level of EV charging available. DC fast chargers can take an electric vehicle from 20% to 80% in 30 minutes - 1 hour. Public DC fast charging stations do exist but can be unreliable and few and far between. This is the best option for businesses looking to utilize electric vehicles in their daily business operations. 

Evaluating Charging Infrastructure Costs

Investing in charging stations involves costs beyond just the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). It's crucial to consider installation expenses, electrical upgrades, ongoing maintenance, and any necessary permits or licenses. Each Level of EV charging station has its installation requirements. 

Level 1 EV chargers require little to no installation because they plug directly into a standard wall outlet. This makes Level 1 charging the lowest-cost EV charger, but with the low cost comes low charging speeds. 

Level 2 EV charging stations require a bit more installation. For consumers, it typically means an electrical upgrade, which is not always possible in some homes. For businesses, this means getting an EV charging station installed on your business&#; lot. The EVSE for a Level 2 EV charging station can cost up to $2,000, not including labor, electrical work, or permit needed. Long lead times are also a factor when it comes to installing EV charging stations. Due to shortages, depending on where you are in the United States lead times can be up to 2+ years.

Level 3 charging stations are the most costly EV charging stations to install. Not only is the equipment more expensive, but the installation requires trenching, digging, permitting, and extensive electrical work. In total, it can cost up to $120,000+ for one DC fast charging station. The lead times for this equipment also is seeing lead times of up to 2+ years. 

With innovations, there are cost-effective ways to get DC fast charging without the long lead times, costly installation, and construction. SparkCharge has created the world&#;s first portable DC fast charger, the Roadie Portable, to address the hurdles of EV charging infrastructure. Using Roadie technology, SparkCharge developed an ultra-fast EV charging network, SparkCharge Fleet, to help businesses gain access to EV charging quickly and efficiently. SparkCharge Fleet can be up and running in as little as 14 days in the United States and has no upfront costs.

Investing in EV Charging Stations: Business Opportunity

With the global surge in electric vehicles (EVs), the demand for EV charging stations has skyrocketed. As countries strive for cleaner energy solutions, investing in EV charging infrastructure meets an urgent need and presents a lucrative business opportunity. In this article, we will explore the evolving landscape of commercial EV charging stations, various business models and pricing structures, strategies to boost revenue, the impact on business reputation, the importance of location and visibility, the role of incentives, and the future outlook for this fast-moving industry. A comprehensive guide to how to invest in EV charging stations make money from them.


The revolution of electric vehicles has sent ripples across the globe, with markets expanding in traditional strongholds like Europe and the USA and emerging regions.

Europe has seen significant growth in the EV movement, driven by stringent emission regulations, government incentives, and increasing consumer awareness. In countries like Norway, electric cars account for 93% market share. The Netherlands and Germany are rapidly expanding their charging infrastructures to meet the surging demand for EVs.

The USA, particularly California, has been aggressively pushing for zero-emission vehicles. The Biden administration aims to build 500,000 new EV charging outlets by . States like California are targeting all new cars to be zero-emission by .

Traditionally reliant on fossil fuels, the Middle East is transforming. Countries like the UAE are heavily investing in EV infrastructure. Dubai, for example, aims to have 42,000 electric cars on its roads by , demonstrating a significant shift in the region.

Different countries are moving at different speeds when it comes to EV adoption. This needs to be considered when starting an EV charging business or investing in EV charging stations as part of an existing venture.


The global electric vehicle market is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate, with EVs forecasted to make up 60% of all vehicle sales globally by . This surge in demand for EVs will inevitably drive the need for charging infrastructure. Key factors propelling this growth include:

  • Declining battery costs
  • Increasing vehicle ranges
  • Government incentives
  • A rising sense of environmental responsibility among consumers

Understanding the different EV charger types and their application becomes critical to capitalize on this growth.

Level 2 EV Chargers: Residential, Hotel and Workplace

Level 2 chargers are best suited for residential, hotel and workplace locations. These chargers are relatively cost-effective and cater to vehicles parked for extended periods, such as overnight or during work hours. More information on Level 2 charging.

DC Fast Chargers: Vital for Public Charging Stations

DC fast chargers are essential for public charging stations, particularly along highways and commercial areas. They offer rapid charging capabilities, serving EV drivers on the move who need quick charging options. Public EV charging requires the charging stations to have the capability to accept payments. More information on DC fast charging.


When venturing into the EV charging industry to make money from EV charging stations, choosing a suitable business model and pricing structure is essential for long-term success. Here&#;s a breakdown of various options:

Subscription Models: Ensuring Predictable Revenue

Subscription models involve customers paying a fixed monthly or annual fee for unlimited charging or a predetermined amount of charging sessions. This model provides a predictable revenue stream, potential for customer loyalty, and the possibility of bundling with other services. However, there is a risk of underutilization if subscribers don&#;t use the service enough or overutilization if they charge too frequently, straining the system. Subscription are also among the first things to be cancelled during economic down turns adding additional risk.

Pay-per-use Models: Charging Based on Consumption

The pay-per-use model involves customers being billed based on the energy consumed or the duration of their charging session. This model directly correlates usage and revenue, has the potential for higher earnings during peak demand, and offers transparent customer pricing. However, revenue unpredictability and a lack of incentives for regular users are limitations that need to be consider.

Tiered Pricing Model: Maximizing Revenue Potential

Tiered pricing involves different price levels based on time of day, charger type, or customer type (members vs. non-members for instance). This model maximizes revenue during high-demand periods, offers discounts during off-peak hours to attract users, and encourages membership or loyalty program sign-ups. However, some users might perceive it as complex, requiring dynamic pricing management. A robust and intuitive EV charger management system is needed to effectively manage this model.

Free EV Charging Model: Attracting Customers

Offering free charging sessions (sometimes referred to as sponsoring), usually subsidized through advertising, partnerships, or as an incentive for another core business, can be an effective strategy to attract customers. This model provides a strong draw for customer&#;s potential to boost core business revenue and advertising opportunities. However, direct payment from charging sessions do not apply so no additional income from charging and there are cost involved which need to be considered.

Energy Storage vs. Traditional Charging: Pricing Flexibility

Integrating battery energy storage systems allows businesses to store electricity during off-peak times and use/release it during peak demand. This model offers pricing flexibility, the potential for uninterrupted service, a buffer during power outages, and the potential to drastically decrease demand charges. By leveraging more cost-effective energy than rival charging stations, you can either entice more drivers with competitive rates or enhance profitability by maintaining standard prices with reduced overheads. However, upfront costs, maintenance of storage systems, and space requirements are factors to consider.

Choosing a suitable pricing model requires a keen understanding of the target audience, local demand patterns, and financial objectives. A hybrid model combining elements from multiple strategies often proves most effective when evaluating how best to maximize investments in EV charging stations.

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While EV charging stations primarily provide power to electric vehicles, they possess immense potential as strategic business tools. Here are some strategies to boost revenue and enhance the customer experience with EV charging:

Increasing Customer Dwell Time: Capitalizing on Charging Duration

EV charging, especially when using slower chargers, takes time. This duration, when harnessed correctly, can boost sales. Retail-oriented businesses, such as cafes or shopping malls, can benefit from customers spending more time browsing, eating, or shopping while their vehicle charges. Research indicates that EV drivers can spend an hour or more time in stores whilst they charge. Positioning chargers strategically near entrances or popular sections can make it convenient for customers to plug in and explore.

Attracting Customers: The Power of Convenience

The mere presence of a charging station can attract customers to a business, 57% of drivers would visit destinations more frequently if they had charging stations. Offering charging services makes a location a preferred destination for EV drivers, as it&#;s not just about the charge itself but also about convenience and the services provided. Promoting the presence of chargers through local ads, social media, partnerships with navigation or EV apps (this can be done through roaming as part of charger management software), and on-site signage can effectively draw customers to the business.

Enhancing Customer Retention & Loyalty: Incentivizing Repeat Visits

Regular access to convenient charging can be a significant incentive for repeated visits. Loyalty programs tailored around EV charging, such as earning points for every kilowatt-hour charged or offering discounts for regular users, can boost customer retention. Integrating EV charging with existing loyalty programs or launching EV-specific loyalty cards can effectively drive customer loyalty. Offers like &#;Earn double loyalty points with every charge&#; or &#;Members get 20% off on EV charging&#; can drive customer engagement and retention.

Engagement via Media Screen Chargers: Turning Charging into an Experience

In a rapidly growing market, standing out is key. Media screen chargers give businesses an edge, turning a utility into an interactive experience, a communication tool and a revenue generator. The screens can display ads, current store promotions, news, or even entertainment snippets. They&#;re perfect for promoting in-store offers or relaying important messages. Regularly updating the content based on current promotions, seasons, or events can enhance customer engagement and drive additional spend. Renting out ad space, running sponsored content, or promoting nearby businesses creates additional revenue streams.

Media screens EV chargers provide an opportunity to display real-time promotions or offers, incentivizing customers to make additional purchases. Flash deals like &#;While you charge: Get 15% off on all items in the next 30 minutes!&#; can effectively drive sales and maximize the revenue potential of the charging station. More information on Level 2 media screen chargers and DC fast media screen chargers.

Harnessing the power of EV charging goes beyond kilowatts&#;it&#;s about creating a holistic experience that ensures customers keep coming back.


Incorporating EV charging stations isn&#;t just a strategic move; it&#;s an emphatic statement about a business&#;s ethos, values, and future outlook. Let&#;s explore the multifaceted impact on business reputation:

Environmental Leadership: Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability and environmental concerns are top-of-mind for consumers worldwide. By installing EV charging stations, businesses signal their commitment to green initiatives, helping reduce their carbon footprint and positioning their brand as an environmental steward. Highlighting the sustainability aspect in marketing materials and displaying data like &#;CO2 saved&#; or &#;trees planted equivalent&#; through EV charging can effectively communicate these values.

Forward-Thinking & Innovation: Being Future-Ready

Innovation is a pivotal differentiator in today&#;s fast-paced business world. Embracing EV technology demonstrates a company&#;s progressive and adaptive nature, as it aligns with market shifts and paints the image of a future-ready organization. Leveraging PR and communications to share the story behind introducing EV charging&#;why it matters and what it signals about the company&#;s direction&#;can enhance the perception of forward-thinking and innovation.

Community Engagement: Service to the Community

Community relations play a significant role in local business success. Offering EV charging is a service to the community, particularly in areas where public charging infrastructure is lacking. Hosting EV-related events, workshops, or community charging days fosters relationships and showcases a commitment to the community&#;s welfare.

Increased Trust & Loyalty: Building Customer Relationships

Trust is a valuable commodity in today&#;s discerning consumer landscape. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and community welfare through EV charging, businesses can foster deeper trust and loyalty among customers. Creating feedback channels specifically for EV charging users, allowing them to voice concerns or suggestions, and acting upon them encourages a sense of trust and strengthens customer relationships.

Competitive Differentiation: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

In a crowded market, even a slight edge can make a difference. EV charging can be that differentiator, especially in sectors where competition is fierce, and businesses are looking for unique selling points. Highlighting the EV charging facility in promotional materials and making it a key part of the business&#;s unique selling proposition (USP) narrative can effectively differentiate a company from its competitors.

Investing in EV charging is more than a financial decision&#;it&#;s an investment in a business&#;s image, its relationship with consumers, and its place in the future landscape.


The success of an EV charging station is not solely dependent on having the infrastructure but also on ensuring its accessibility, visibility, and seamless integration with other business operations. Let&#;s delve into strategies for optimizing these aspects.

Strategic EV Charger Location Placement: Maximizing Footfall

Not all charging spots yield the same results. Strategic placement is crucial to ensure maximum utilization. A charger tucked away in a remote corner might see limited use, while one at a prime spot can become a hub of activity. Surveying the area, analyzing foot traffic, vehicle movement, and accessibility, and considering places near main entrances, popular outlets, or high-visibility areas can optimize location placement.

Visibility Across EV Apps & Roaming Networks: Reaching the Audience

EV drivers often rely on apps and networks to locate nearby charging stations. Ensuring visibility on popular platforms is vital for attracting customers. Listing the charging station on popular EV charging apps and partnering with roaming networks to increase accessibility for a broader range of EV drivers can maximize visibility and utilization. Utilizing a charging station management platform can open up options for extended visibility through roaming partnerships.

Integration with Loyalty Programs: Synergistic Benefits

Merging the worlds of EV charging and loyalty programs can create a synergistic effect. Just like previously mentioned, having EV charging stations can increase spending and utilization of your charging stations. Customers are incentivized to spend more in-store with the allure of free or discounted charging. Conversely, those using the charger might be tempted to explore store offerings due to loyalty program perks. Creating bundled offers like &#;Spend $50 in-store and get 30 minutes of free charging&#; or &#;Charge your EV and get 10% off on your next purchase&#; drives sales and encourages repeated use of the charging facility.

Remember, a charging station isn&#;t just a utility&#;it&#;s a potential customer touchpoint. Leveraging it can create a win-win scenario: boosted business revenue and a satisfied, loyal customer base.


In addition to stationary EV charging stations, there is a growing opportunity in the mobile EV charging sector. Mobile EV charging businesses offer on-the-go charging services, providing convenience and flexibility for EV owners. These businesses can set up temporary charging stations at events, parking lots, or other locations with limited charging infrastructure. By leveraging mobile EV charging solutions, companies can tap into new markets and cater to the needs of EV owners who require charging services outside traditional charging station networks.

Mobile EV charging businesses typically operate through specialized vehicles equipped with charging capabilities. These vehicles can move to different locations based on demand, ensuring EV owners can access charging services wherever they are. By offering this flexibility, mobile EV charging businesses can capture customers who may not have easy access to stationary charging stations or require charging services in specific locations.

Entrepreneurs must invest in the necessary charging infrastructure to start a mobile EV charging business, including specialized vehicles and charging equipment. Building partnerships with event organizers, parking lot operators, or commercial businesses can help secure locations for setting up charging stations. Additionally, marketing efforts should focus on promoting the convenience and flexibility of mobile charging services to target customers.

Mobile EV charging businesses present a unique opportunity to tap into the expanding EV market while addressing the need for charging services in diverse locations. By offering on-the-go charging solutions, these businesses can cater to the evolving needs of EV owners and contribute to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Take a look at our guide to learn how to start a mobile EV charging business.


Incentives are crucial in accelerating EV adoption rates while offering tangible benefits to businesses. Let&#;s explore the various types of incentives available:

Government and Regulatory Incentives: Offsetting Initial Investments

Many governments worldwide offer incentives to promote EV charging infrastructure, recognizing its importance in green energy plans. Reduced setup costs, tax breaks, or direct grants can offset initial investments significantly. Regularly monitoring local and national government websites for updated EV charging incentives and subsidies can help businesses maximize these opportunities.

Utility Company Incentives: Decreasing Operational Costs

Some energy providers offer reduced rates or special plans for businesses that install EV chargers, and rebates for the cost of installation. Decreased operational costs over time can lead to a more profitable charging station. Engaging with local utility providers to understand potential programs can help businesses take advantage of utility company incentives.

Partnerships with EV Manufacturers: Exclusive Benefits

Some EV manufacturers offer incentives or partnerships to businesses willing to install chargers. These partnerships can result in a potential stream of dedicated customers, especially if exclusive deals are struck with specific EV brands. Collaborating with local EV dealers or contacting EV manufacturers can help explore potential synergies.


The electric vehicle revolution is not merely on the horizon&#;it&#;s reshaping global automotive and energy landscapes. Businesses that recognize the opportunities presented by EV charging stations are not just participating in an economic trend but aligning with an environmental imperative and social shift.

To recap, EV charging stations present lucrative business opportunities as primary ventures or supplementary revenue streams. Understanding the evolving EV charging landscape, selecting the right business models and pricing structures, implementing strategies to boost revenue, enhancing business reputation, optimizing location and visibility, leveraging incentives, and embracing media screen chargers are key to success in this industry.

Emerging trends such as wireless charging, mega-watt charging, portable charging, and evolving business models will shape the future of EV charging. While Europe and the USA are leading the way, emerging markets in Asia, Africa, and South America offer untapped potential. Businesses that invest in understanding and integrating EV charging infrastructure today will gain a head-start in a future where electric transportation is the norm and sustainability is paramount.

For more information, please visit Ac Ev Charging Station.