Why is DAEWOO engine parts Better?

30 Dec.,2024


Experience with Daewoo or Doosan diesels?

Good points about parts. I am guessing the engine is likely reliable at this point in its lifespan so probably won't need much major maintenance. I can order regular spares well in advance regardless of where they come from. Shipping is cheap these days. That's all great if I'm going to do the maintenance myself I presume. Will a diesel mechanic come out and work on any engine I put in front of him/her? I've never been in a situation like this. I always took my last boat to the same place where they knew my motors and worked directly with the manufacturer to get parts and do any warranty claims etc.

I could do a repower but I simply don't have time for that at this point in my life. I work too much and I'd want to be very much involved in that process. It would be a good negotiating point though. That said, there is an outfit (Klassen) in Vancouver near where this boat is being offered for sale that will maintain that engine. So the seller may not be interested in my offer if another buyer could get maintenance locally in Vancouver. Even then though, having only one place in town available would be of some concern to me as a buyer, especially if I was not handy enough to do some of my own preventative maintenance. Klassen closed up shop in Seattle, they may eventually do the same in Vancouver. I don't know.

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Is a Daewoo Racer a good buy - Cars


Looking for an economical yet hassle free car... the Daewoo racer seems to be fine.. looks pretty good and selling pretty cheap...

Should one buy it`? Any cons?

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Look forward to your feedback!!

So whos the expert here?

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit DAEWOO engine parts.