06 May,
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I didnt lose myself in motherhood. I found myself. -unknown I keep finding this quote about motherhood, and it resonates in my soul. Today (May 6th) is World Maternal Mental Health Day. This Sunday also happens to be Mother's Day. With both of these on my mind, Im reflecting on how motherhood has helped me find my way to becoming a healthier and happier me. Motherhood is my purpose . This is something that really sticks out to me when I think about motherhood. Am I saying thats all I am- a mother? Absolutely not. But its really helped define me and my purpose in more ways than I ever thought possible. The trick was learning to love myself enough not to get lost in my motherhood journey. My sweet daughter Irelynn Aurora is now 2, and it still amazes me every day the little person she is becoming. She is sweet, caring, thoughtful, ridiculously smart, witty, and so funny. Looking back, I honestly dont know what I did without her. She tells me Im her best friend, and I dont know how I survived without the love of this sweet little girl. In less than 6 weeks, were adding a little more crazy to our already crazy routine. Our son, Rooney Cian, will be here. Were so excited, but definitely a little nervous about juggling life with two littles. Motherhood has been my greatest adventure, but its not been an easy one for me. Its honestly been the happiest and most joyful time of my life. I love my little family more than anything. But through this happy time in my life, Ive faced a lot of personal struggles. The complete joy and happiness of my motherhood journey was intertwined with anxiety, depression, self doubt, and guilt. If you have also experienced this, isnt it crazy how the happiest time of your life can also be the biggest struggle youve ever faced? I won't go into all of the details of my struggles with postpartum anxiety and depression, but I know motherhood changed me as a person . It completely flipped my life, and even some of my beliefs about life, upside down. I truly feel through all of the struggle that I found myself- my purpose, my passion, my drive. Ive learned more about myself by taking care of a little human than I ever knew possible. I hit some of my lowest lows, but also my highest highs. Ive learned to ask for help, to say no, to stand up for myself in a new way, and to chase my passion. The road to get there was long and bumpy, but Im heading in a direction with my life that Im happy and excited about. I want to share a few things that motherhood has taught me so far. A few personal lessons and truths in my journey to heath, wellness and happiness. - Try not to judge other people, you dont know what theyre battling with . Even if they seem happy on the outside, there may be something theyre battling with internally. Kindness and empathy go a long way. Not only for other people, but also for yourself. - Motherhood is my purpose . Im trying to put more focus on this. Focusing on something that keeps you going and gives you purpose is a great way to cope with struggles. This was what kept me even a little sane. - Motherhood changed me as a person. For better or for worse, Im a different person since my daughter entered my world. Im just trying to navigate my world as this new person. Its challenging, but so worth it. I may have lost some people in my life, but the truly loyal people are still there and were closer than ever. - Mental health is serious . Seek help or find ways to cope with it as soon as you can. I just hope society finds a better way to provide people access to mental health services, because right now things are not as good as they need to be. After my struggles with trying to find help, I found my own way to cope. Nature and spending time with my daughter are the best ways to help me get outside of my mind for a while. I recently started counseling to help make sure I am in the right place mentally so that I can work through some of the lows if they come after baby boy is born. If you're unsure of where to start looking for resources to find help, reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Don't wait. - Admitting you have a problem is ok. It doesnt make you weak. I hid things so well that in general most people were not aware of my postpartum struggles. It took me a long time to admit to myself that there was a problem, and even longer to admit this to other people. If I could change anything it would be admitting that there was a problem sooner. - What youre eating and putting into your body is essential to physical and mental health. - Physical activity can also make a huge difference in both physical and mental health. - Sunshine . I need so much sunshine. Getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine is necessary. In my busy life, I still need to find more time for this. Luckily I live somewhere where this is so easy! - Do what makes you happy. Life is short. Dont stay in situations that cause you more problems mentally or physically. Its not worth it. For me I needed to give up some things in my life. Sometimes letting go is necessary . - Try not to overthink those things you cant change . This is something Im still really struggling with. Acceptance can be difficult. - Find something youre passionate about and pursue it . Although Im first and foremost a mother and wife, I needed to find something that was really mine. I needed to find something that I was passionate about again. Luckily I find passion in our farm and the farm business. Its really helped me escape and find my passion again. - SELF. CARE . Im terrible at this, but realizing how important it is to keep me going. Part of this is rest and sleep. Im also terrible about this, but its so important. This should also include escaping for a while through meditation, reflection, prayer, music dance, or whatever helps you get out of your thoughts. - Your tribe is essential. It doesnt have to be big, but if you have a few people in your life that are supportive it makes all the difference. Some very important people have gotten me through my darkest days. I love you all. So to all you mamas out there... youre amazing. You really are. Youre stronger than youll ever know. Whether motherhood came a little easier to you, or if you struggle to find your own path as a mother- youve got this! Thank you for all you do for your families. I hope you find some time this week for some self care, because its so well deserved and necessary. Happy Mothers Day! Yorkie Acres Farm: Yorkie Acres Farm can be the perfect sanctuary to help you escape and clear your mind. We offer both farm visits & yurt stays. Visit www.yorkieacresfarm.com or contact us at for more details. We also offer numerous products to help you spoil your favorite mamas or even help practice some self care. Visit yorkieacresfarm.com/store to shop. {and yes, spoiling and self care should happen every day - not just on Mothers Day!} World Maternal Mental Health Day: WHY WE NEED MMH DAY: Helping mothers, helping babies! In many countries, as many as 1 in 5 new mothers experience some type of perinatal mood and anxiety disorder (PMADs). These illnesses frequently go unnoticed and untreated, often with tragic and long-term consequences to both mother and child. RAISING AWARENESS: No one is immune! Women of every culture, age, income level and race can develop perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Symptoms can appear any time during pregnancy and the first 12 months after childbirth. There are effective and well-researched treatment options available to help women recover. INFLUENCING POLICY: Illness is not a crime! Women are sometimes considered to be criminals instead of patients needing treatment, in the case of infanticide. Through building awareness, it aims to prevent these tragedies and stands for just and scientifically based care. CHANGING ATTITUDE: No health without mental health! Increasing awareness will drive social change with a goal toward improving the quality of care for women experiencing all types of PMADs, and reducing the stigma of maternal mental illness. We are encouraging mental health professionals, friends and relatives of new moms to ask her how shes really feeling and encourage her to seek help . For more information on World Maternal Mental Health Day visit: https://wmmhday.postpartum.net About Me: Im Alea. Im 31 and married to one of the most hard working men. Jason is such a special person with a big heart and Im so lucky. Hes always helping others and volunteers his time. We have a daughter, Irelynn Aurora, that is 2 and we are expecting a son in June. We live on our farm in Friendsville, Maryland. Im a family nurse practitioner in our communitys primary care office. I also have my doctorate in nursing. I love photography, nature, animals, music and have a strong interest in herbal and natural medicine and wellness. Im happiest when Im outside, near water, and with my family (both human and animal family). My favorite hobby is taking photos of my daughter.
Iryna Veklich via Getty Images
Before you buy an expensive hyaluronic acid serum, check the ingredients of your moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid is likely already in it.Miracle cures. Wonder elixirs. Creams that cost as much as a fancy night on the town. Were all susceptible to the lofty claims of the next big thing in skin care. But if your bathroom cabinet is overflowing with costly products, you might want to reconsider and curate your collection which can not only help your budget but also contribute to the overall health of your skin.
I dont think its a coincidence that we use more skin care products than ever before and yet, collectively, complexion issues seem to be at an all-time high, said Dr. Rachel Westbay, a board-certified dermatologist at Marmur Medical. Theres a very strong possibility using more cosmetic chemicals can damage the skin barrier and microbiome. Those chemicals can remove essential nutrients needed to function properly, leading to the exacerbation of inflammatory conditions like acne, rosacea and eczema. Then, we reach for more products to fix those problems, and the cycle repeats itself endlessly and viciously.
Less is often more when it comes to skin care, agreed board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marisa Garshick. For many people, a simple routine that can be used consistently will often yield greater results than a complicated routine that may lead to dryness or irritation of the skin.
If all youre reading is the price tag on those costly jars and bottles, youre on the wrong track. Dr. Brendan Camp is a dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. He has this advice: Be a savvy shopper and learn how to read ingredient lists.
The higher up an ingredient appears on the list, the higher its concentration in the product, he said. If an active ingredient that is featured in the product name falls toward the middle or end of the list, you may want to find an alternative that has more of the ingredient youre looking for.
And if you think the best products only come from an expensive store, think again. Even your local drugstore has lots of great stuff. While the packaging and advertising of products sold in pharmacies may not be as flashy as those sold elsewhere, they can accomplish the basics of any skin care regimen and save you money, Camp said.
What are some best bets at drugstores? There are many great drugstore cleansers and moisturizers, which definitely makes them a good place to save, Garshick said. If youre looking to simplify your [routine], check out drugstore multitasking products or products containing multiple key ingredients.
What do you need, and what can you skip? The absolute basic necessities of any skin care regimen are cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen, Westbay said.
Want to try just a couple more things? Retinol is always a good idea, she said. Most of us consider it to be the holy grail anti-aging ingredient, but its also the backbone of any effective routine for other skin care concerns, from acne to hyperpigmentation, she added. For my patients, I also recommend an antioxidant serum used in the mornings, like vitamin C.
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Very expensive moisturizers: Theres no need to spend thousands of dollars on moisturizing creams, Garshick said. The ingredients are more important than the price. Look for key ingredients like ceramides or hyaluronic acid to help nourish and moisturize the skin.
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Cleansing wipes leave a residue behind on your skin.Cleansing wipes: Sure theyre convenient, but at what cost to you and the environment? Its not just the one wipe that ends up in a landfill, Westbay said. You need to consider the entire manufacturing, transport and emission impact of this segment of industry. Plus, even the most gentle face wipes can irritate and strip the skin barrier, leaving your skin red and wrinkled. And, to be honest, they really arent effective as cleansers. They leave a lot of residue that may not be seen to the naked eye, but trust me, its there, and its going to wreak havoc.
Topical collagen: Its not going to be effective, as the molecule is too large to penetrate the skin, Garshick said. For this reason, its better to spend money on products that are designed to help boost collagen production, such as retinol or peptides.
Astringent toners: If you dont have oily skin, and even if you have acne with combination, dry or sensitive skin, toners are one purchase you dont need to make. They were initially created as alcohol-based solutions meant to balance your skins pH and remove residue from traditional facial lye-based soaps, Westbay explained.
Now most cleansers are pH-balanced, and astringents that are alcohol-based are rarely recommended, Westbay continued. Thats because they have the potential to cause significant irritation, owing to their tendency to strip the skin of excessive moisture and deplete its lipid barrier. And excessively drying out the skin will cause a paradoxical increase in the amount of oil produced, which can trigger more acne.
Facial oils: These arent bad, but theyre definitely not a skin care necessity, Westbay said. Oils are not hydrating in and of themselves and so cannot be a substitute for moisturizer. Rather, they lock in ingredients applied in prior steps of a routine, so should be applied in addition to and after moisturizer.
Beaded exfoliants: The temptation of a vigorous scrub comes at a cost of compromising the skin barrier and predisposing you to dryness, acne breakouts, redness and irritation, Westbay said. The beads strip your skin of its natural moisturizing factor and increase water loss, causing dehydration. I recommend sticking to your gentle moisturizing cleanser for a more balanced approach.
Hyaluronic acid: The more you use a product, the sooner youre going to have to buy more, so slowing your roll on applications may be a smart money-saving idea and it might be better for your skin, too. Westbay pointed to hyaluronic acid as an example.
Many of my patients use hyaluronic acid serums morning and evening, plus other serums, and thats not necessary for most people, she said. Hyaluronic acid became all the rage and then, somehow, everyone got in their heads that they need to be applying it separately from moisturizer twice daily. But its already found in nearly every moisturizer on the market, and for most people, thats sufficient, unless theyre struggling with very dry skin or tolerating a nighttime retinol.
Facial cleanser: Once is usually enough, Westbay said. Double cleansing is usually not necessary, despite its hype these days. For most people, washing your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser, just one time, is more than adequate. A myriad of skin woes can stem from excessively stripping the skin of its natural oils and acid mantle, she added.
One reason that people tend to accumulate many skin care products is that they cycle through them too quickly, Camp said. You need to use them long enough to decide if theyre helpful. In general, a skin care product should be used for at least two to three months before you decide if its effective.
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