What is the difference between UPS online and offline UPS battery?

07 Oct.,2024


What is difference between offline UPS and online UPS?

Uninterruptible power source (UPS) is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source or mains power fails. Online UPS differs from an auxiliary or emergency power system or standby generator in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from input power interruptions, by supplying energy stored in batteries, supercapacitors, or flywheels. The on-battery run-time of most uninterruptible power sources is relatively short (only a few minutes) but sufficient to start a standby power source or properly shut down the protected equipment. It is a type of continual power system.

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What is Offline UPS?

The Offline UPS need not finds its usage often.Yes, in this case, the electronic device gets power directly from the main AC power supply and not from the UPS. When there is any voltage surge or fluctuation in the main input power, then the offline UPS supplies power to the electronic devices. Therefore, these kinds of UPSs are required only during power failures and not all the time. One of the best examples for offline UPS is the desktop computers that we use at our homes or office. Those computers have a separate UPS unit and it supplies power to the computer in the case of power failures. The only required measure is the switching delay. An offline UPS said to work better if it&#;s capable of doing the switch in lesser time.

What is Online UPS?

The online UPS is connected to the main load at all the time or until the battery in it gets charged. In this case, our electronic device gets the power from the online UPS and not directly from the AC main supply. So, even when the main AC fails, our electronic device&#;s operations need not be stopped. One such good example for online UPS is the Laptops.

What are the differences?

The Input

The online UPS gets the direct AC power supply to it and in turn, it uses the AC-DC inverter power to the electronic device. The offline UPS gets the AC power supply and gets charged but the charged AC-DC inverter power is utilized only when there is a power failure.

Operating Temperature

The online UPS renders power to the electronic devices whenever those devices are switched on. Yes, it gets charged and then supplies the power to the devices. It means that it has to work more time and so is the operating temperature. But the offline UPS on the hand comes into picture only during power failures.

Parts Used

The Online UPS, in order to maintain its frequency of operations and a continuous power to the electronic device, it requires numerous parts. Each part is chosen to ensure the reliability of operations. Those parts should also be chosen with a caution as it had to with stand the higher operating temperatures. In the case of offline UPS, the operating time is really lesser and hence the parts could also be chosen so. These parts never heat up often and hence such kinds of parts are enough to be placed. Also only during extreme conditions such as prolonged power failures, it needs its operations for a longer duration.


The number of parts in online UPS requires more cost for its set up. On the other hand, the offline UPS requires lesser cost as it involves only fewer parts in it. So if you are much concerned about the cost of set up, then offline UPS is the better choice.

Battery Usage

The online UPS uses its battery throughout the time when the electronic device is in use whereas the offline UPS is not so. It never uses the battery until there is a power failure. Therefore, we rarely use the battery in the case of offline UPS and we always use the battery in the case of online UPS.

Extreme Voltage Distortion

When there are extreme voltage fluctuations in the main power supply, the offline UPS needs to come into the picture. A frequent switch could lead to switching delays or could ultimately reduce its performance. But the online UPS is designed to handle such extreme voltage fluctuations and therefore, such conditions are expected ones here. As the online UPS is always in operation irrespective of the voltage fluctuations of the main power, there is nothing to worry about it.


The output from an online UPS remains stable and almost fixed to a particular frequency. But the output from an offline UPS varies significantly within a range. Whenever you need a fixed and stable output, just for the online UPS otherwise, just go ahead with the offline UPS.


The online UPS uses highly stable parts and delivers a fixed and stable output all the times. But the associated temperature issues are higher here. In the case of offline UPS, the output is not stable and it varies within a specified range. But the associated temperature is also based on the usage time. When you use the UPS for a longer time, the offline UPS could render a reliable service whereas an online UPS could not render such a service in this scenario.

Let us look at the differences in a tabular form below.

S.NoDifferences inOnline UPSOffline UPS1.The InputIt gets the direct AC power supply to it and in turn, it uses the AC-DC inverter power to the electronic device.It gets the AC power supply and gets charged but the charged AC-DC inverter power is utilized only when there is a power failure.2.Operating TemperatureIt renders power to the electronic devices whenever those devices are switched on. Yes, it gets charged and then supplies the power to the devices. It means that it has to work more time and so is the operating temperature.It comes into picture only during power failures. So, the operating temperatures are not always higher and it gets heated only when used for more time.3.Parts UsedIn order to maintain its frequency of operations and a continuous power to the electronic device, it requires numerous parts. Those parts should also be chosen with a caution as it had to with stand the higher operating temperatures.The operating time is really lesser and hence the parts could also be chosen so. These parts never heat up often and hence such kinds of parts are enough to be placed. Also only during extreme conditions such as prolonged power failures, it needs its operations for a longer duration. Hence, there is no need to be very much cautious about the parts as they are hardly utilized for longer hours. 4.CostThe number of parts used here requires more cost for its set up.It requires lesser cost as it involves only fewer parts in it.5.Battery UsageIt uses its battery throughout the time when the electronic device is in use. Therefore the battery is always used here.It never uses the battery until there is a power failure. Therefore the battery is rarely used here.6.Extreme Voltage DistortionAs it is designed to handle such extreme voltage fluctuations and such conditions are expected ones here. As the online UPS is always in operation irrespective of the voltage fluctuations of the main power, there is nothing to worry about it. The more the voltage fluctuations, the more the offline UPS is used. A frequent switch could lead to switching delays or could ultimately reduce its performance.7.OutputIt remains stable and almost fixed to a particular frequency.It varies significantly within a range.8.ReliabilityWhen you use the UPS for a longer time, it renders unreliable service.It renders reliable service because of fewer parts used and the lesser operating temperature.9.When to use?Use it when you need a UPS for a longer duration of time and the main power supply fluctuates drastically.Use it when you are much concerned about the cost and when you wish a lower operating temperature.


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Difference between Online UPS and Offline UPS

Main Difference between Online UPS and Offline UPS &#; Which One to Use?

UPS, Uninterruptible Power Supply is a device that supplies power in case of power failures. A UPS can be either Online UPS or Offline UPS. Both types of UPS can be used as a backup power source but there are many differences between them.

The major point that differentiates between the online UPS and offline UPS is that the online UPS supplies power from the AC mains to the Load through the rectifier and inverter combination while the Offline UPS directly supplies power from AC mains to the load.

Before going to the list of differences between Online UPS and Offline UPS, let&#;s discuss the basics of Online UPS and Offline UPS.

What is UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)?

UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply and the reason for its name is that it provides a constant supply of power without any interruption. In Normal operation, it draws current from the AC mains and during a power outage; it draws current from its backup source.

A UPS system utilizes a DC power stored in the battery as its backup source. The UPS charges the battery from the AC mains through a Rectifier and charge controller circuit. At the same time, it supplies power to the output AC load. In case of power failure, the UPS utilizes this charged DC power in the battery and converts it into AC using an inverter and supplies it to the AC load.

Now the switch over between the sources (AC mains and the battery in case of power failure) is instantaneous. But it does take some time. This time delay during the switching may affect some sensitive electronic equipment while other devices may tolerate it in a specific range. This is where Online UPS and Offline UPS comes into play.

What is Online UPS?

The Online UPS is a type of UPS that supplies power to the AC load through the Rectifier and Inverter Combo in normal operation and uses an inverter to supply AC power during a power failure. Therefore, the output power supply always stays ON and there is no need for switching. Hence, there is no time delay in switching between its sources. There is no interruption in the case of power failure even for a nanosecond.

During normal operation, it converts the AC supply from the AC mains into DC using a rectifier and charges the battery using a charge controller circuit. Now at the same time, the DC power from the charged battery is being converted into AC using an inverter to supply it to the output AC load.

In case of power failure, the UPS will stop drawing current from the AC mains, and stops charging the battery. But the AC load will continuously draw current from the battery through Inverter.

Therefore, Online UPS has a zero time delay when switching its power source. It is also why it is known as Online UPS because it stays ON even during its normal operation.

Since the current drawn by the AC load is continuously flowing through its whole circuit, the temperature of the system increases. Therefore, it needs comparatively larger heat sinks and the components that can withstand high temperature and it can tolerate current flow for very long duration. Due to such a requirement, the cost of Online UPS increases significantly.

It continuously draws current from the battery which quickly reduces the lifetime of the battery compared to offline UPS. They are more inefficient because they continuously stay ON even in normal operation.

On the other hand, it does offer high-quality output because there is no gap during the switching between the source supplies. It completely isolates the output from the AC mains. Therefore, it helps in protection against the distortions or fluctuations in the AC mains.

What is Offline UPS?

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Chengyue.

The offline UPS is a type of UPS that directly supplies the power to the AC load from the AC mains in normal operation and uses an inverter to power the AC load from the DC battery. Since there are two separate lines of supplies, the output supply must be switched between the two sources.

The switching speed of an Offline UPS is around 5ms which is enough to keep a computer from shutting down. But not fast enough to keep a smooth operation of sensitive equipment in hospitals.

During normal operation, the power from AC mains is directly supplied to the output through a static transfer switch. At the same time, the AC is converted into DC using a rectifier to charge the battery using a charge controller. But unlike Online UPS, the inverter does not draw current from the battery until the primary supply (AC main) is interrupted.

When the primary supply breaks, the battery stops charging and the static switch transfer the output line to the inverter side very quickly. At the same time, the inverter starts drawing current from the battery which is then supplied to the AC load.

Since it stays off when it draws current from the AC line during normal operation, it is known as Offline UPS.

The Offline UPS mostly stays off in normal operation and because of that, the temperature of the components stays low. Therefore, it requires smaller heat sinks and the components with a lower tolerance can be used which also decreases the overall cost of the offline UPS.

Since it stays off in its normal operation and does not use the battery continuously, the efficiency of the system increases.

But the downside of offline UPS is that the directly supplied AC is not completely isolated from the load. Therefore, there is no protection between the load and source and the distortion or fluctuations in the Ac mains can damage the connected load.

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Differences between Online UPS and Offline UPS



The UPS that supplies power from the AC mains to the load through the rectifier and inverter combination

The UPS that supply the AC mains power directly to the load.

It continuously draws current from the battery.

It only draws current from the battery during primary source failure or power outage.

It requires a large battery charger circuit because it carries the entire load current.

It requires a small charger circuit because it only charges the battery.

The input supply and the load is completely isolated.

There is no isolation between the input supply and load.

It has high-performance output because it protects the output load from input voltage spike and distortion.

Its performance reduces with the input voltage distortion; which is directly connected to the load.

There is not switching between the source, hence no time delay

It uses a static transfer switch to switch between its source with a time delay of 5ms

It stays ON almost at all times.

It turns ON only at power failure.

Due to its continuous ON condition, it is inefficient and unreliable.

It is more efficient and reliable because it mostly stays off.

It requires large heat sinks because of the high operating temperature

It requires smaller heat sinks because of low operating temperature due to its off state mostly.

The components used must have the tolerance to withstand high temperature

There is no need for the components to have high-temperature tolerance.

It is expensive than Offline UPS.

It is cheaper than Online UPS.

It is used for very sensitive electronics that cannot tolerate any gap between supplies such as in-hospital ICUs

Offline UPS is used for electronic equipment that can tolerate a delay of 5ms such as Computer etc

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Which one to Use, Online or Offline UPS & Why?

Is online or offline UPS Better? and When to use it? it totally depends on multiple factors such as cost, usage and specific conditions etc. For example,

When to Use Online UPS:

  • When to operate the sensitive and important devices and equipment with continuous power supply without switching operations.

  • When the the main power supply fluctuates frequently or daily scheduled load shading and power outage

  • When there is no concerns about the operation, installation and maintenance cost as the online UPS system is costly than offline UPS system due to the additional parts in online uninterruptible power supply.

  • When you need the simultaneous operation of connected devices for longer time duration.

When to Use Offline UPS:

  • When cost is the major and considerable factor.

  • When switching is not a big issue i.e. you are OK to use it with auto or manual change-over or transfer switch between main power, portable generator or emergency generator set , solar or battery power.

The conclusion of this article showing the key difference between ONLINE & OFFLINE UPS systems is that the online UPS has zero time delay between the switching and they are expensive. while the Offline UPS has a time delay of 5ms but they are inexpensive. Based on efficiency, the offline UPS is far better than Online UPS and it should be used for domestic purposes. The Online UPS should be only used for very sensitive electronic equipment.

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