Healthy Lighting creates healthy campus

11 Feb.,2025

COSIO Lighting has cooperated with many schools in Foshan,China this summer to transform classrooms using light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) technology, it can simulate the healthy light of sunlight, simulate the air purification of a forest oxygen bar, can achieve sterilization and disinfection functions that are harmless to the human body.


Sunlight, air and water are the three essential elements for the existence and growth of life. Human beings have been closely associated with light since their birth, enjoying the ubiquitous energy and nutrients of sunlight, which regulates the biological rhythms of the human body. Since the invention of electric lighting sources, humans have further extended their nighttime schedules and improved social production efficiency, which has contributed significantly to the overall progress of mankind. However, although electric lighting sources and natural light are both light, they are still very different in nature. In recent years, with the widespread application of LED light sources, more and more "lighting damage" and "lighting pollution" incidents have been exposed, making people begin to pay attention to light health.

Campus classrooms are an important place for education and teaching activities. Currently, China’s myopia rate is the highest in the world, and adolescents with depression, the second killer of human health, are also a high-risk group. According to statistics, students spend about 60% of their time in the classroom. If the classroom lighting environment is poor and students study in this poor-quality lighting environment for a long time, they are prone to myopia. In addition, poor air quality in classrooms can cause students to lose concentration and cause health hazards.

Scientists and medical scientists have long proven that the red light and infrared components of sunlight play a very important role in suppressing myopia and protecting eyes. Sunlight is the healthiest light. Therefore, it is most beneficial for children's physical and mental health to grow and live under the sun. However, among the lighting lights we use daily, the spectrum of many lights is incomplete, incomplete, missing red light, and too high blue light, let alone simulating sunlight. When children lack sunlight and time in contact with nature, the phenomenon of high myopia rates appears.

In addition, fresh natural air also plays a very important role in children's physical and mental health. Whether you are a child or an adult, you will feel the very comfortable in the forest, by the waterfall, or at the seaside. That is because the number of negative oxygen ions in these places is much higher than in cities. Therefore, when transforming the campus visual environment, we cannot ignore the ecological transformation of indoor spaces.

As the inventor of light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) technology, COSIO Lighting has cooperated with many schools in Foshan,China this summer to transform classrooms using light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) technology, it can simulate the healthy light of sunlight, simulate the air purification of a forest oxygen bar, can achieve sterilization and disinfection functions that are harmless to the human body. In September,our light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) lighting it was highly recognized by teachers and parents because the overall ecological environment of these places is significantly better than other similar places, and the health status of children is also significantly better.

Healthy Lighting creates healthy campus

What are the advantages of using light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) lighting to transform primary and secondary school classrooms? Under the myopia prevention and control and double reduction policies, classrooms are key places for long-term learning for children and adolescents. To improve the classroom space environment, in addition to the transformation of lighting, it is also necessary to improve the air quality and do a good job of sterilization and disinfection, so that children and adolescents can enjoy a healthy and safe classrooms. The light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) lighting applies healthy light. Through intelligent control, it can replicate the sunlight at 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning to make the light healthier. On the other hand, through scientific and technological innovation, the light negative oxygen ions (LNOI)lighting can comprehensively eliminate viruses without harming human health. At the same time, the light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) lighting can not only disinfect viruses, but also purify formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, smoke and other odors in the air, which is beneficial to human health and provides a new solution for shaping a healthy indoor environment. Moreover, the light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) lighting transformation plan is simple and convenient, easy to operate with low cost. It will not be affected by the environment, can realize the transformation of classroom space in a short time, does not interfere with normal teaching, and is very conducive to transformation and upgrading of primary and secondary schools at all levels and anytime, anywhere.

In the future, light negative oxygen ions (LNOI) technology will continue to help schools build “healthy campuses” and strive for a healthy indoor environment for mankind.