actions on the objective – ambush

19 Aug.,2024


actions on the objective – ambush

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6-102. An ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target. It can include an assault to close with and destroy the target or an assault by fire. An ambush need not seize or hold ground. The purpose of an ambush is to destroy or to harass enemy forces. The ambush combines the advantages of the defense with the advantages of the offense, allowing a smaller force with limited means the ability to destroy a much larger force. Ambushes are enemy-oriented. Terrain is held only long enough to conduct the ambush, and then the force withdraws. Ambushes range from simple to complex and synchronized; short duration of minutes to long duration of hours; and within hand grenade range, to maximum standoff. Ambushes employ direct fire systems as well as other destructive means, such as command-detonated mines and explosives, and indirect fires on the enemy force. The attack may include an assault to close with and destroy the enemy or may just be a harassing assault by fire. Ambushes may be conducted as independent operations or as part of a larger operation.

6-103. There are countless ways for leaders to develop an ambush. To assist the leader clarify what he wants, he develops the ambush based on its purpose, form, time, and formation.

6-104. The purpose of an ambush is either harassment or destruction. A harassing ambush is one in which attack is by fire only (meaning there is no assault element). A destruction ambush includes assault to close with and destroy the enemy.

6-105. The three forms of ambushes are point, area, and antiarmor. In a point ambush, Soldiers deploy to attack a single kill zone. In an area ambush, Soldiers deploy as two or more related point ambushes. These ambushes at separate sites are related by their purpose. (See figure 6-6.) A unit smaller than a platoon normally does not conduct an area ambush. Antiarmor ambushes focus on moving or temporarily halted enemy armored vehicles.

Figure 6-6. Point and Area Ambush

6-106. Based on the amount of time available to set an ambush, ambushes are hasty and deliberate. A hasty ambush is conducted based on an unanticipated opportunity. It is used when a patrol sees the enemy before the enemy sees it, and the patrol has time to act. The leader gives the prearranged signal to start the action and all Soldiers move to concealed firing positions, prepared to engage the enemy. Depending on the mission, the patrol may allow the enemy to pass if the enemy does not detect the patrol.

6-107. A deliberate ambush is conducted against a specific target at a location chosen based on intelligence. With a deliberate ambush, leaders plan and prepare based on detailed information allowing them to anticipate enemy actions and enemy locations. Detailed information includes: type and size of target, organization or formation, routes and direction of movement, time the force will reach or pass certain points on its route, and weapons and equipment carried.


6-108 During terrain analysis, leaders identify at least four different locations: the ambush site, the kill zone, security positions, and rally points. As far as possible, so-called "ideal" ambush sites should be avoided because alert enemies avoid them if possible and increase their vigilance and security when they must be entered. Therefore, surprise is difficult to achieve. Instead, unlikely sites should be chosen when possible. Following are characteristics of these four ideal positions.

Ambush Site
6-109. The ambush site is the terrain on which a point ambush is established. The ambush site consists of a support by fire position for the support element and an assault position for the assault element. An ideal ambush site&#;

  • Has a good field of fire into the kill zone.
  • Has good cover and concealment.
  • Has a protective obstacle.
  • Has a covered and concealed withdrawal route.
  • Makes it difficult for the enemy to conduct a flank attack.

Kill Zone
6-110. The kill zone is the part of an ambush site where fire is concentrated to isolate or destroy the enemy. An ideal kill zone has these characteristics&#;

  • Enemy forces are likely to enter it.
  • It has natural tactical obstacles.
  • Large enough to observe and engage the anticipated enemy force.

6-111. A near ambush is a point ambush with the assault element within reasonable assaulting distance of the kill zone (less than 50 meters). Close terrain, such as an urban area or heavy woods, may require this positioning. It also may be appropriate in open terrain in a "rise from the ground" ambush.

6-112. A far ambush is a point ambush with the assault element beyond reasonable assaulting distance of the kill zone (beyond 50 meters). This location may be appropriate in open terrain offering good fields of fire or when attack is by fire for a harassing ambush.

Security Positions
6-113. An ideal security position&#;

  • Does not mask fires of the main body.
  • Provides timely information to the main body. (Gives the leader enough time to act on information provided.)
  • Can provide a support by fire position.

Rally Points
6-114. The platoon leader considers the use and locations of rally points. The rally point is a place designated by the leader where the platoon moves to reassemble and reorganize if it becomes dispersed.

6-115. The leader physically reconnoiters routes to select rally points whenever possible. He selects tentative points if he can only conduct a map reconnaissance. He confirms them by actual inspection as the platoon moves through them. Rally points must&#;

  • Be easy to find.
  • Have cover and concealment.
  • Be away from natural lines of drift.
  • Be defendable for short periods.


6-116. Many ambush formations exist. This section only discusses the linear, L-shaped, and V-shaped (see figures 6-7 through 6-9.) All of these formations require leaders to exercise strict direct fire control. Leaders need to understand strengths and weaknesses of their units and plan accordingly. The formation selected is based on the following: terrain, visibility, Soldiers available, weapons and equipment, ease of control, and target to be attacked.

Linear Ambush
6-117. In an ambush using a linear formation, the assault and support elements parallel the target's route. This positions the assault and support elements on the long axis of the kill zone and subjects the target to flanking fire. (See figure 6-7.) Only a target that can be covered with a full volume of fire can be engaged in the kill zone. A dispersed target might be too large for the kill zone. This is the disadvantage of linear formations.

6-118. The linear formation is good in close terrain restricting the target's maneuver, and in open terrain where one flank is blocked by natural obstacles or can be blocked by other means such as Claymores. Claymores or explosives can be placed between the assault and support elements and kill zone to protect the unit from counter-ambush actions.

6-119. When the ambushing unit deploys this way, it leaves access lanes through the obstacles so it can assault the target. An advantage of the linear formation is the relative ease by which it can be controlled under all visibility conditions.

Figure 6-7. Linear Ambush

L-Shaped Ambush
6-120. An ambush in the L-shaped formation (see figure 6-8) is a variation of the linear formation. The long leg of the L (assault element) is parallel to the kill zone. This leg provides flanking fire. The short leg (support element) is at the end of and at a right angle to the kill zone. This leg provides enfilade fire working with fire from the other leg. The L-shaped formation can be used at a sharp bend in a trail, road, or stream.

Figure 6-8. L-shaped Ambush

6-121. The V-shaped ambush assault elements (see Figure 6-9) are placed along both sides of the enemy route so they form a V. Take extreme care to ensure neither group fires into the other. This formation subjects the enemy to both enfilading and interlocking fire.

6-122. When performed in dense terrain, the legs of the V close in as the lead elements of the enemy force approach the point of the V. The legs then open fire from close range. Here, even more than in open terrain, all movement and fire is carefully coordinated and controlled to avoid fratricide.

6-123. A wider separation of the elements makes this formation difficult to control, and fewer sites favor its use. Its main advantage, it is difficult for the enemy to detect the ambush until well into the kill zone.

Figure 6-9. V-shaped Ambush


6-124. Final preparations begin with the unit occupying an ORP and end with the main body prepared to depart for the ambush site. The unit halts at the ORP and establishes security. When ready, the leader conducts his reconnaissance to confirm the plan, positions the security element, and returns to the ORP. The security element leaves the ORP first. Teams of the security element move to positions from which they can secure the ORP and flanks of the ambush site. (See Figure 6-10.)

Note. Security elements should use a release point if there is a large distance between the ORP and objective.


Figure 6-10. Security Teams in Position


6-125. Occupying the site and conducting the ambush begins with main body movement out of the ORP, and ends when the leader initiates a withdrawal. Common control measures include&#;

  • Kill zone.
  • Limit of advance.
  • Assault by fire/support by fire position.
  • Assault position.
  • Target registration point.

Time of Occupation
6-126. As a rule, the ambush force occupies the ambush site at the latest possible time permitted by the tactical situation and amount of site preparation required. This reduces the risk of discovery and time Soldiers must remain still and quiet in position.

6-127. Security elements are positioned first to prevent surprise while the ambush is being established. When the security teams are in position, the support and assault elements leave the ORP and occupy their positions. If there is a suitable position, the support element can overwatch the assault element's move to the ambush site. If not, both elements leave the ORP at the same time. (See figure 6-11.)

6-128. The main body moves into the ambush site from the rear. Ideally, the leader emplaces the most casualty-producing weapons first, ensuring they have line of sight (LOS) along the entire kill zone. Once in place, the leader locates his subordinate units to complement and reinforce the vital positions. The leader then selects his location where he can best initiate and control the action. Once on the objective, movement is kept to a security measures.

6-129. Each Soldier must be hidden from the target and have LOS into the kill zone. At the ambush site, positions are prepared with minimal change in the natural appearance of the site. Soldiers conceal debris resulting from preparation of positions.

Confirming the Direct Fire Plan
6-130. Claymores, explosives, and grenade launchers may be used to cover dead space left by automatic weapons. All weapons are assigned sectors of fire to provide mutual support. The unit leader sets a time by which positions must be prepared.

Movement in the Kill Zone
6-131. Kill zone is not entered if entry can be avoided. When emplacing tactical obstacles, care is taken to remove tracks or signs which might alert the enemy and compromise the ambush. If claymores or explosives are placed on the far side, or if the appearance of the site might cause the enemy to check it, a wide detour around the kill zone should be made. Here, too, care is taken to remove all traces which might reveal the ambush. An alternate route from the ambush site also is planned.

Figure 6-11. Assault and Support Elements Moving to the Ambush Site

Initiating the Ambush
6-132. Once all friendly elements are in position, the unit waits for enemy targets. When the target approaches, the security team spots it and alerts the ambush leader. The security team reports the target's direction of movement, size, and special weapons or equipment. Upon receipt of the report, the leader alerts the other elements.

6-133. When most of the enemy force is in the kill zone, the leader initiates the ambush with the most casualty-producing weapon, medium machine gun fire, or the detonation of mines or explosives. The detonation of explosives can cause a pause in the initiation of fires due to the obscuration created by the explosion. Once conditions are set, cease or shift fires. The assault element may conduct an assault through the kill zone to the LOA. If the assault element must assault the kill zone, the leader signals to cease or shift fire. This also signals the start of the assault. Besides destruction of the enemy force, other kill zone tasks can include searching for items of intelligence value, capturing prisoners, and completing the destruction of enemy equipment. When the assault element has finished its mission in the kill zone, the leader gives the signal to withdraw to the ORP.

6-134. Fire discipline is critical during an ambush. Soldiers do not fire until the signal is given. Then it must be delivered at once in the heaviest, most accurate volume possible. Well-trained gunners and well-aimed fire help achieve surprise and destruction of the target. When the target is to be assaulted, the ceasing or shifting of fire also must be precise. If it is not, the assault is delayed, and the target has a chance to react. Sector stakes should be used if possible.

6-135. The withdrawal begins once the assault element completes its actions on the objective and ends with consolidation/reorganization at a designated rally point. On signal, the unit withdraws to the ORP, reorganizes, and continues its mission. At a set terrain feature the unit halts and disseminates information. If the ambush fails and enemy pursues, the unit withdraws by bounds. Units should use obscurants to help conceal the withdrawal. Obstacles already set along the withdrawal routes can help stop the pursuit.

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6-136. In an area ambush, Soldiers deploy in two or more related point ambushes. The platoon may conduct an area ambush as part of a company offensive or defensive plan, or it may conduct a point ambush as part of a company area ambush.

6-137. The platoon is the smallest level to conduct an area ambush. Platoons conduct area ambushes (see figure 6-12) where enemy movement is largely restricted to trails or streams.

Figure 6-12. Area Ambush

6-138. The platoon leader (or company commander) selects one principal ambush site around which he organizes outlying ambushes. These secondary sites are located along the enemy&#;s most likely avenue of approach and escape routes from the principal ambush site. Squads normally are responsible for each ambush site.

6-139. The platoon leader considers METT-TC to determine the best employment of the weapons squad. He normally locates the medium machine guns with the support element in the principal ambush site.

6-140. Squads or sections responsible for outlying ambushes do not initiate their ambushes until the principal one has been initiated. They then engage to prevent enemy forces from escaping the principal ambush or reinforcing the ambushed force.


6-141. Platoons and squads conduct antiarmor ambushes (see figure 6-13) to destroy armored vehicles. The antiarmor ambush may be part of an area ambush. The antiarmor ambush consists of the assault element (armor-killer element) and support-security element.

Figure 6-13. Anti-armor Ambush

6-142. The armor-killer element is built around the CCMSs. (See appendix G of this publication for information about employment of the Javelin.) The leader should consider additional SLMs available to supplement the CCMS fires. The leader considers the mission variables of METT-TC to position all antiarmor weapons to take advantage of their best engagement aspect (rear, flank, or top). The remainder of the platoon must function as support-security elements in the same manner as the other forms of ambushes to cover dismounted enemy avenues of approach into the ambush site.

6-143. In a platoon antiarmor ambush, the company commander selects the general site of the ambush with the platoon leader finding a specific site restricting the movement of enemy armored vehicles out of the designated kill zone. The platoon leader should emplace his weapons so an obstacle is between the platoon and the kill zone. In a squad antiarmor ambush, the platoon leader selects the general site of the ambush and the squad leader then finds a site restricting the movement of enemy armored vehicles out of the kill zone.

6-144. The leader should consider the method for initiating the antiarmor ambush. The preferred method should be a mass casualty-producing signal initiated by a reliable weapon system or explosive, such as a main gun round from a tank or infantry carrier, the detonation of mines or explosives, or other direct fire crew-served weapons that fire from a closed bolt. The Javelin can be used to initiate the ambush, but even with its limited signature, it may be less desirable than an antitank mine.

6-145. The armor-killer team destroys the first and last vehicle in the enemy formation, if possible. All other weapons begin firing once the ambush has been initiated.

6-146. The leader must determine how the presence of dismounted enemy soldiers with armored vehicles will affect the success of the ambush. The leader&#;s choices include:

  • Initiate the ambush as planned.
  • Withdraw without initiating the ambush.
  • Initiate the ambush with medium machine guns without firing antiarmor weapons.

6-147. Because of the speed enemy armored forces can reinforce the ambushed enemy with, the leader should plan to keep the engagement short and have a quick withdrawal planned. The platoon, based on METT-TC, may not clear the kill zone as in other forms of ambushes.


6-148. In a point ambush, Soldiers deploy to attack an enemy in a single kill zone. The platoon leader is the leader of the assault element. The platoon sergeant or assistant patrol leader probably will locate with the platoon leader in the assault element.

6-149. The security or surveillance teams should be positioned first. The support element should then be emplaced before the assault element moves forward. The support element must overwatch the movement of the assault element into position.

6-150. The platoon leader must check each Soldier once he emplaces. The platoon leader signals the surveillance team to rejoin the assault element if it is positioned away from the assault location. Actions of the assault element, support element, and security element are shown in table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Actions by Ambush Elements

6-151. The platoon leader instructs the security element (or teams) to notify him of the enemy&#;s approach into the kill zone using the SALUTE reporting format. The security element also must keep the platoon leader informed if additional enemy forces are following the lead enemy force. This will allow the platoon leader to know if the enemy force meets the engagement criteria directed by the company commander. The platoon leader must be prepared to give free passage to enemy forces too large or do not meet the engagement criteria. He must report to the company commander or CoIST enemy forces passing through the ambush unengaged.

6-152. The platoon leader initiates the ambush with the greatest casualty-producing weapon, typically a command-detonated Claymore. He also must plan a back-up method, typically a medium machine gun, to initiate the ambush should the primary means fail. All Soldiers in the ambush must know the primary and back-up methods. The platoon should rehearse with both methods to avoid confusion and loss of surprise during execution of the ambush.

6-153. The platoon leader must include a plan for engaging the enemy during limited visibility. Based on the company commander&#;s guidance, the platoon leader should consider the use and mix of tracers and employment of illumination, night vision devices, and thermal weapon sights. For example, if Javelins are not used during the ambush, the platoon leader still may employ the CLU with its thermal sights in the security or support element to observe enemy forces.

6-154. The platoon leader also may include the employment of indirect fire support in his plan. Based upon the company commander&#;s guidance, the platoon leader may employ indirect fires to cover flanks of the kill zone. This isolates an enemy force or assists the platoon&#;s disengagement if the ambush is compromised or the platoon departs the ambush site under pressure.

6-155. The platoon leader has a good plan (day and night) that signals the advance of the assault element into the kill zone to begin its search and collection activities. He should take into consideration the existing environmental factors. For example, obscurants may not be visible to the support element because of limited visibility or the lay of the terrain. Soldiers must know and practice relaying the signal during rehearsals to avoid the potential of fratricide.

6-156. The assault element must be prepared to move across the kill zone using individual movement techniques if there is return fire once they begin to search. Otherwise, the assault element moves across by bounding fire teams.

6-157. The assault element collects and secures all EPWs and moves them out of the kill zone to an established location before searching dead enemy bodies. The EPW collection point should provide cover and should not be easily found by enemy forces following the ambush. The friendly assault element searches from the far side of the kill zone to the near side.

6-158. Once the bodies have been thoroughly searched, search teams continue in this manner until all enemy personnel in and near the kill zone have been searched. Enemy bodies should be marked once searched; for example, folded arms over the chest and legs crossed to ensure thoroughness and speed and to avoid duplication of effort.

6-159. The platoon identifies and collects equipment to be carried back and prepares it for transport. Enemy weapon chambers are cleared and put on safe. The platoon also identifies and collects at a central point the enemy equipment to be destroyed. The demolition team prepares the fuse and awaits the signal to initiate. This is normally the last action performed before departing the ambush site. The flank security element returns to the ORP after the demolition team completes its task.

6-160. The flank security teams also may emplace antiarmor mines after the ambush has been initiated if the enemy is known to have armored vehicles which can quickly reinforce the ambushed enemy force. If a flank security team makes enemy contact, it fights as long as possible without becoming decisively engaged. It uses prearranged signals to inform the platoon leader it is breaking contact. The platoon leader may direct a portion of the support element to assist the security element in breaking contact.

6-161. The platoon leader must plan the withdrawal of the platoon from the ambush site. The planning process should include the following&#;

  • Elements normally are withdrawn in the reverse order they established their positions.
  • Elements may return to the release point, then to the ORP, depending on the distance between the elements.
  • The security element at the ORP must be alert to assist the platoon&#;s return. It maintains security of the ORP while the remainder of the platoon prepares to depart.

6-162. Actions back at the ORP include, but are not limited to, accounting for personnel and equipment, stowing captured equipment, and first aid (as necessary). Upon return personnel within the patrol are reorganized as required and ammunition and equipment redistributed for movement out of the ORP

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